The PFAS Analytic Tools are part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) cross-agency effort to address per and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and make that work transparent.
This tool combines multiple data sources, many of which are already public, and places the data on a map so that the user can explore various PFAS data in a region, state, or community.
This application does not include all PFAS data, information, or resources. It is intended to provide states, tribes, and federal partners with information on PFAS manufacture, release, and occurrence
in the environment as well as facilities potentially handling PFAS.
Data Licensing Information for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Unless otherwise specified, all data produced by the U.S EPA is by default in the public domain and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 U.S.C. § 105.
More details on the U.S. Public Domain license are available here:
Accuracy and Utility
Additionally, please be advised that although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. EPA, no warranty expressed or
implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution
constitute any such warranty.
It is the responsibility of the user to read and evaluate the fact sheets and metadata files associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations,
restrictions, and intended use. The U.S. EPA shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data.
Neither EPA, EPA contractors, nor any organizations cooperating with EPA assume any responsibility for damages or other liabilities related to the accuracy,
availability, use, or misuse of information provided on this website. EPA reserves the right to change information at any time without public notice.
Datasets hosted outside of
EPA does not control the use or dissemination of the information hosted outside of and cannot protect the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of the information
that is used or disseminated outside of the Agency. Any reference to specific commercial products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise,
does not constitute or imply their endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by EPA. The EPA seal and logo shall not be used in any manner to imply endorsement of any commercial
product or activity by EPA or the United States Government.
UCMR Minimum Reporting Level (MRL)
The Minimum Reporting Level (MRL) is the lowest concentration that laboratories may report to the EPA during UCMR monitoring.
UCMR MRLs are not associated with health effects information. Data presented are for UCMR 3 and UCMR 5.
Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
The Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) are the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water.
MCLs are legally enforceable standards once effective. Beginning in April 2029, compliance with the PFAS NPDWR MCLs
will be required and will be determined by calculating the running annual average of quarterly results for each sample point.
Data presented are for UCMR 5 only. Sampling locations were only considered in the comparison to each MCL if they had a full
set of UCMR 5 results. For more information, please review the
UCMR 5 Data Summary.
Health-Based Screening Level (HBSL)
Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs) are non-enforceable water-quality benchmarks that can be used to
(1) supplement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides (HHBPs),
(2) determine whether contaminants found in surface-water or groundwater sources of drinking water may indicate a potential human-health concern, and
(3) help prioritize monitoring efforts.
PFAS Analytic Tools Disclaimer
Click the button at the bottom of this disclaimer to continue.
The PFAS Analytic Tools are part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) cross-agency effort to address per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and make that work transparent.
The tools are intended to provide states, tribes, federal partners, and the public with information on PFAS manufacture, release, and occurrence in the environment as well as facilities potentially handling PFAS.
These tools combine multiple data sources so that the user can explore various PFAS data in a region, state, or community. This application does not include all PFAS data, information, or resources.
For some of the data collections provided, EPA does not have requirements for the information to be reported on a national level.
In those cases, areas that are more widely testing for and reporting occurrences of PFAS will generally have more data than areas collecting or reporting to a lesser extent.
Therefore, users should not make conclusions regarding the relative level of PFAS occurrence between different cities, counties, or states.
These data have been created or compiled on different dates and show the occurrence of PFAS at a facility, public drinking water system, or site as of those dates.
Therefore, data included in the tools may not reflect the current situation.
Data Licensing Information for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Unless otherwise specified, all data produced by the U.S EPA is by default in the public domain and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 U.S.C. § 105.
More details on the U.S. Public Domain license are available here:
Accuracy and Utility
Additionally, please be advised that although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. EPA, no warranty expressed or
implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution
constitute any such warranty. It is the responsibility of the user to read and evaluate the fact sheets and metadata files associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations,
restrictions, and intended use. The U.S. EPA shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data. Neither EPA, EPA contractors, nor any organizations cooperating with EPA assume any responsibility for damages or other liabilities related to the accuracy,
availability, use, or misuse of information provided on this website. EPA reserves the right to change information at any time without public notice.
Datasets hosted outside of
EPA does not control the use or dissemination of the information hosted outside of and cannot protect the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of the information
that is used or disseminated outside of the Agency. Any reference to specific commercial products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise,
does not constitute or imply their endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by EPA. The EPA seal and logo shall not be used in any manner to imply endorsement of any commercial
product or activity by EPA or the United States Government.
Disclaimer for Drinking Water (Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule - UCMR)
Data in the PFAS Analytic Tools are not real-time. After reporting, many water providers take action to reduce PFAS presence in finished drinking water.
The data therefore do not show current drinking water exposures, but rather highlight areas where people might want to look further for the latest information,
starting with their local drinking water provider. Additionally, ZIP Codes Served information in this file does not necessarily correlate to exposure to PFAS,
as these ZIP Codes are not the definitive service areas (i.e., a public water system [PWS] may only serve a small portion of a ZIP Code it has listed as serving).
UCMR 5 data will be updated quarterly until completion of data reporting in 2026. Data may be added, removed, or updated over the course of the reporting cycle
following further review by analytical laboratories, PWSs, states, and EPA. For answers to common questions regarding accessing and understanding the UCMR 5 data,
as well as information on PFAS and lithium in drinking water, please review the
UCMR 5 website.
In April 2024, EPA announced the final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR)
for six PFAS; those six are among the 29 PFAS being monitored in UCMR 5. PWSs will be required to comply with the PFAS NPDWR Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) starting
in April 2029; therefore, UCMR 5 results (which are associated with monitoring for the regulated PFAS prior to that date) do not indicate compliance or noncompliance with the MCLs.
Comparison of UCMR 5 data to the MCLs is for technical assistance only and does not supersede the NPDWR requirements in 40 CFR 141 and 40 CFR 142. PWSs may work with their state
to submit their UCMR 5 monitoring data to meet some or all of the PFAS NPDWR’s initial monitoring requirements, which must be completed by April 2027.
For more information, please review the PFAS NPDWR website..
Disclaimer for Drinking Water (State)
This tab includes aggregated data from multiple state sampling initiatives. These initiatives vary in sampling/targeting methods
(e.g., non-targeted analysis vs. targeted analysis), scope (e.g., percentage and type of public water system), detection limits,
sample location, reporting limits, quantification methods, what data elements are reported, and even what data are reported
(e.g., some states choosing only to report detections while other states report all test results).
Because of these significant differences in how states are collecting data, the information in this file should not be compared across state boundaries.
EPA intends to continue adding data from more states that make it available (you may notify EPA at
if you are aware of published state data that could be included in future versions).
Disclaimer for Production
This tab includes production and importation data for chemicals identified in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard list of PFAS
without explicit structures and list of PFAS structures in DSSTox.
Note that some regulations have specific chemical structure requirements that define PFAS differently than the lists in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.
Reporting information on manufactured or imported chemical substance amounts should not be compared between facilities,
as some companies claim Chemical Data Reporting Rule data fields for PFAS information as Confidential Business Information.
Disclaimer for Environmental Media
EPA did not carry out the sampling or testing of a majority of the data that appears on this tab.
EPA can only speak to the accuracy and completeness of the data from projects like the National Aquatic Resource Survey for which EPA is the data owner/organization.
Information on Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and the approving agency of the QAPP appears on this tab, if a QAPP is entered.
Disclaimer for Discharge Monitoring
Less than half of states have required PFAS monitoring for at least one of their permittees and fewer states have established PFAS effluent limits for permittees.
For states that may have required monitoring, there may exist some reporting and data transfer issues on a state-by-state basis.
More details on those issues and additional caveat information can be found in ECHO’s
Known Data Problems and the
Loading Tool Documentation.
Disclaimer for Superfund Sites
Detections of PFAS at National Priorities List sites do not mean that people are at risk from PFAS, are being exposed to PFAS, or that the site is the source of the PFAS.
For Federal Facilities data, the other Federal agencies (OFA) are the lead agency for their data and provided them to EPA.
Disclaimer for Federal Sites
The sites on this tab do not necessarily reflect the source(s) of PFAS contamination and detections do not indicate level of risk or human exposure at the site.
The information on agricultural notifications only includes Department of Defense sites (data are not available for other Federal agency sites).
EPA is aware that the list included here is not comprehensive of all Federal agencies but is working to continue developing the dataset.
Disclaimer for Industry Sectors
Inclusion of a facility on this tab does not indicate that PFAS are being manufactured, processed, used, or released by the facility.
It is important to note that listed facilities potentially handle PFAS based on their industrial profile.
EPA has not confirmed whether each individual facility on the list actually handles PFAS.
Keyword searches in ECHO for Fire Training sites may misidentify some facilities and should not be considered to be an exhaustive list of fire training facilities in the United States.
Disclaimer for Transfers
Amount or concentration of PFAS being transferred cannot be determined from the manifest information.
Keyword searches may misidentify some manifest records that do not contain PFAS.
The data on this tab should also not be considered an exhaustive list of all PFAS waste transfers.
Disclaimer for Spills
This tab, which was compiled using information from the National Response Center website,
contains initial incident data that has not been validated or investigated by a federal/state response agency.
Keyword searches may misidentify some incident reports that do not contain PFAS.
The data on this tab should also not be considered an exhaustive list of all PFAS spills/release incidents.
Disclaimer for Toxic Releases
This tab includes releases and waste management data for chemicals identified in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard list of
PFAS without explicit structures and list of
PFAS structures in DSSTox.
The TRI data gathered and presented in this tool are restricted to the PFAS added to the TRI chemical list per the
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and to other TRI-listed organic chemicals that contain fluorine atoms and also found on EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.
Note that some regulations have specific chemical structure requirements that define PFAS differently than the lists in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.
It is strongly recommended to consult the
TRI program website to review TRI reporting requirements for PFAS.
Disclaimer for Greenhouse Gases
This tab includes Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions data for facilities that emit 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year and
emit chemicals identified in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard list of PFAS without explicit structures and list of PFAS structures in DSSTox.
Note that some regulatory programs have specific chemical structure requirements that define PFAS differently than the lists in EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.
EPA has developed a number of tools and documents to assist in understanding
and complying with the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP).
National Land Cover Database Background Layer Legend
PFAS Analytic Tools
EPA has investigated and collected information and data on per and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Datasets in this visualization include:
Superfund Sites: Sites on the National Priorities List (NPL) where there has been a PFAS detection.
Federal Sites: Federal sites with known or suspected PFAS, which are being prioritized for investigation (i.e., sampling and analysis).
Industry Sectors: Facility data from facilities subject to Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations that operate in sectors identified as possibly handling, using, or releasing PFAS chemicals.
Transfers: Data from hazardous waste shipment manifests as reported to the RCRA e-Manifest system.
Spills:National Response Center (NRC) data on initial spill incident reports pertaining to Aqueous Film Forming Form (AFFF).
Toxic Releases: Facility-level releases onsite and offsite waste management of PFAS from the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI).
Greenhouse Gases: Data from large emitting facilities, suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases that result in GHG emissions when used.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of all PFAS data, information, or resources.
Map Legend and Layers
Above Median
Below Median
Result(s) Above Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
Result(s) At or Above UCMR MRL
No Results At or Above UCMR MRL
The counties only display once a State is selected.